n0xmz's boring blog

Licensed since 1993, Amateur Extra Class. Most active on 20m, 40m, 2m, 70cm, and 33cm.

The spending spree is over and the piper must be paid

Well, the credit card company that is. As many hams can attest, one can spend just a couple hundred dollars on radio gear or one can spend thousands. The sky is the limit. I guess that’s true with any hobby. This past month, I added a Motorola XPR 4380 900 MHz radio along with an 8 ft. colinear antenna for it. The antenna looked so good I decided to upgrade my trusty old J-pole for a dual-band Comet GP-6 that’s still on its way in the mail. So all in all, about $550 spent.

Now I’ve promised myself to be a good boy financially so I’ve decided to offload some radios I no longer use. I sold a slightly-damaged Kenwood HT this morning for $100 and I’ve got an ad out there to sell a scanner for hopefully $200.

Then I can buy that XPR 4350 70 cm radio for $156! It’s tempting but no, not today.

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