Welcome to the home page of amateur radio station N0XMZ

Homer Simpson, Ham Radio Operator

I was first licensed as a Technician on June 15, 1993 and upgraded to Extra in 2006. I enjoy home-brewing, working DX, ragchew nets, VHF and UHF work, digital modes, etc. I'm on almost every band from 40 meters to 5 cm.

Ever since I was a kid, I've been fascinated with electronics. I loved to take apart devices, especially radios, just to see how they were built (my 5-year-old is starting to do this). I seldom could put them back together. I built my first AM transmitter when I was about 8 years old and learned how to program computers in BASIC 2 years later. Nowadays, I pretty much do the same thing but on a more advanced level. I'm not an expert in anything but I'm always reading and learning something new.

My boy is always very interested in what Daddy is doing. He's got his own computer and is constantly getting into my electronic components and other gadgets. He even set up his own pretend radio station. A future ham I hope!

I graduated from Regis University with a BS in computer information systems. I'm a Linux guy so I use Kubuntu Linux on all machines except for the servers which run vanilla Ubuntu Server. There's a laptop running Windows for programming /\/\ radios but don't tell anyone! A small army of virtual machines do number crunching for the Folding@Home project at Stanford University. I enjoy studying programming languages like java, C, and python. Lately, my focus has been on shell scripting and python, some for work but mostly as a hobby. I've also been having some fun with the Raspberry Pi miniature computers. They can be addictive, I have 8 of them.

I'm located in Kansas City, MO and I work from home as a System Engineer at a large US-based tech company. It's said that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life and that describes me well. I'm very blessed.

I like to work all the bands I can, given my current real estate. I'm usually on 20, 40, or 17 meters. As for repeaters, I do more lurking than anything else but I do enjoy some of the local nets. 900 MHz is my favorite band so I can pretty much always be reached on 927.5875 or 972.5 if you're close! I also run an APRS digipeater/gateway and BBS packet node.

I recently decided to try out DMR so I bought some Motorola Mototrbo MTX-4350s for VHF and UHF. It's not as busy as I had hoped but it's OK. My radio ID is 3213607.

I can be reached by email at Email address embedded within image..