The spending spree is over and the piper must be paid
Well, the credit card company that is. As many hams can attest, one can spend just a couple hundred dollars on radio gear or one can spend thousands. The sky is the limit. I guess that’s true with any hobby. This past month, I added a Motorola XPR 4380 900 MHz radio along with an…
New antennas going up
I recently purchased a Comet KP-20 antenna for 33cm. It’s 8 ft. tall, built solid. A 12-element (dipole) colinear with a gain of 9.2 dBi. It works and looks great so I decided I’d replace my 20-year-old J-pole with a Comet GP-6 dual-band antenna for 2m and 70cm. This one is 10 ft. tall with…