n0xmz's boring blog

Licensed since 1993, Amateur Extra Class. Most active on 20m, 40m, 2m, 70cm, and 33cm.

Adventures with DMR

So I’ve got a Mototrbo XPR 4350 on VHF and have a UHF version on it’s way. I’ve been having a lot of fun programming this radio and getting it to work the way I want. There was one thing I was stuck on for a couple of days: I didn’t hear anything on the DMR repeaters. I did some research on this and finally fell upon this gem:

“Each Digital (DMR) channel must have a Digital RX Group List, with at least
the transmit Talkgroup Digital contact for the channel being a member of the
group you attach to the channel.

If you do not attach a Digital RX Group List to a DMR channel, you won’t
be able to hear or receive anything on that channel.”

Source: https://radioddity.s3.amazonaws.com/2021-04-26%20Radioddity%20-%20Getting%20On%20Air%20with%20your%20DMR%20radio.pdf

I wish I had read that guide before I started! Setting up the talkgroups and channels was pretty straightforward but I didn’t think I needed to set up RX Groups because I don’t plan to listen to multiple talkgroups on each repeater. It seems very odd to me that the talkgroup doesn’t automatically add itself for RX and has to be done manually for this. I suppose there’s a logical reason for this but I can’t think of any.

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