n0xmz's boring blog

Licensed since 1993, Amateur Extra Class. Most active on 20m, 40m, 2m, 70cm, and 33cm.

New antennas going up

I recently purchased a Comet KP-20 antenna for 33cm. It’s 8 ft. tall, built solid. A 12-element (dipole) colinear with a gain of 9.2 dBi. It works and looks great so I decided I’d replace my 20-year-old J-pole with a Comet GP-6 dual-band antenna for 2m and 70cm. This one is 10 ft. tall with 6.5 dBi on 2m and 9 dBi on 70 cm. It should arrive in a week. I look forward to seeing how many more repeaters I can hear with this one.

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